List of NGOs for Targeted Intervention Programme

Name of the NGOs/CBOs/ OrganisationType of Intervetion (TI/LWS/OST)DistrictOffice Address
Agape Moral Reformation Organisation (AMRO)Exclusive IDUAizawlVenghlui, Aizawl Mizoram 796001
Disciples Society (DAIM)Exclusive IDUAizawlRamhlun North, Aizawl 796012
JERACOM, DarlawnExclusive IDUAizawlVenghlun Darlawn, Mizoram 796111
Living Hope MinistryExclusive IDUAizawlChawnpui, Aizawl Mizoram 796009
Mission for Social Reform (MSR)Exclusive IDU + OSTAizawlTuikhuahtlang Aizawl, Mizoram 796001
Samaritan Society of Mizoram (SSM)Exclusive IDU + OSTAizawlChanmari, Aizawl Mizoram 796007
Samaritan Society of Mizoram (SSM)MigrantsAizawlChanmari, Aizawl Mizoram 796007
SHALOMExclusive IDU + OSTAizawlZemabawk, Aizawl Mizoram 796017
Social Guidance Agency (SGA)Exclusive IDUAizawlMelriat, Venglai, Mizoram 796005
Society for Community Care (SCC)Exclusive IDU + OSTAizawlDurtlang Aizawl Mizoram 796025
Society for Community Care (SCC)Exclusive FIDUAizawlDawrpui, Aizawl Mizoram 796001
Samaritan Society of Mizoram (SSM)Exclusive FSWAizawlRamhlun Venglai, Aizawl Mizoram 796001
Zoram Drivers Ramthim Board (ZDRB), SelingExclusive IDUAizawlChamphai Road, Seling, Mizoram 796161
Zoram Drivers Ramthim Board (ZDRB), AizawlExclusive MSMAizawlDawrpui West, Aizawl Mizoram 796001
National Exhiliration Union Society (NEXUS) NgopaExclusive IDUSaitualField veng, Ngopa, Mizoram 796290
Penial Society, KeifangExclusive IDUSaitualC. Zamliana Bldg, Keifang, Mizoram 796261
Champhai AIDS Do Pawl (CADP)Core CompositeChamphaiVengthlang North, Champhai  796321
Genesaret Gospel Home SocietyExclusive IDUChamphaiBethel Veng, Champhai, Mizoram 796321
CODNERC, KhawzawlExclusive IDUKhawzawlKhawzawl Vengthar, Mizoram796310
AGAPE Moral Reformation Organisation (AMRO)Exclusive IDUKolasibDiakkawn-III Kolasib, Mizoram 796081
National Exhiliration Union Society (NEXUS) VairengteCore CompositeKolasibKawngthar Veng, Vairengte, Mizoram 796101
Hoi PhiloiExclusive IDUHnahthialBazar veng, Hnahthial Mizoram 796571
Grace SocietyCore CompositeLungleiVenglai, Lunglei, Mizoram 796701
CODNERC, ThenzawlCore CompositeSerchhipField Veng, Thenzawl, Mizoram 796186
Zoram Entu Pawl (ZEP) SerchhipCore CompositeSerchhipTuikhuah Veng, Serchhip Mizoram 796181
Lunglei MHIP Sub-HeadquartersExclusive IDULungleiMHIP Bldg, Venglai, Lunglei Mizoram 796701
Lunglei MHIP Sub-HeadquartersMigrantsLungleiMHIP Bldg, Venglai, Lunglei Mizoram 796701
WADA , LungleiExclusive IDULungleiChanmari – II, Lunglei Mizoram 796701
Lawngtlai MHIP Sub-HeadquartersCore CompositeLawngtlaiBazar veng, Lawngtlai, Mizoram 796891
Lawngtlai MHIP Sub-HeadquartersMigrantsLawngtlaiBazar veng, Lawngtlai, Mizoram 796891
WADA, SiahaCore CompositeSaihaNew Colony, Siaha Mizoram 796901
Bethany Social Welfare SocietyExclusive IDUMamitBazar veng, Mamit Mizoram 796441
National Exhiliration Union Society (NEXUS), WestCore CompositeMamitDinthar Veng, W Phaileng, Mizoram -796431
Samaritan SocietyMigrantsMamitField Veng, Mamit, Mizoram 796441
Zoram Entu Pawl (ZEP) SerchhipExclusive IDUMamitZawlnuam, Mizoram
No. of TI NGOs = 24 + Link Workers Scheme in 8 districts – Aizawl, Champhai, Kolasib, Lunglei, Mamit, Serchhip, Lawngtlai & Saiha

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